Published 13th of May 2021 by Nina

Built to Last? Sustainability Leadership in Real Estate

Arguably no other sector impacts #community in the way that the #realestate sector does: its #socialimpact casts a long shadow. 
So, too, does its #environmental impact. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the built environment is the largest single contributor to global greenhouse gas (#ghg) #emissions, at an estimated 30 - 40% of global totals.
Consequently, real estate companies and their leaders’ ambitions for, and initiatives towards, #sustainable development have significant bearing on global environmental and societal #sustainability ambitions. 
How companies choose to progress the sustainability agenda is largely driven by #leadership: the vision for the organisation, the strategy and plans developed and executed, and culture created. 

Sophie Landale and I explored the topic with a range of real estate actors to see how leadership was evolving across the sector. An extract of our findings are shared in the post below. The full publication can be found at


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